Yea you know me!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

You Sir are a Moron: Gubernatorial Edition

My main man, Tommy Corbett stuck his right wing foot in his mouth recently providing some
A-1 bulletin board material for Dan Onorato. I will say, I am sure there are people who are taking advantage of the government's money, but with unemployment at barely subsistence level, it's clear that his generalization is waaayyyyyyyyyyy too broad. The only people who probably aren't complaining are the hard core righty's who he is not afraid to cater to while pissing the rest of the state off.

Here's his quote taken from the Post Gazette:

"The jobs are there," Mr. Corbett told Harrisburg public radio station WITF, but then claimed many people are intentionally staying unemployed to collect the benefits. He said some employers, such as a candy company owner and a plumbing company owner (let me guess, the owner of the business is Joe the Plumber), have told him they can't fill jobs because people would rather stay home on benefits.
"People don't want to come back to work while they still have unemployment" benefits, he said. "They're literally telling (employers) 'I'll come back to work when the employment(sic) runs out.' That's becoming a problem ... If we keep extending unemployment the people are going to sit there."

You sir, are a moron!

Shit...I think I hear the Corbett Thought Police headed this way...

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