Yea you know me!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Today's Olive Branch

I like to make fun of people, and draw attention to their shortcomings (probably because it makes me feel better about my own sorry ass), but I also try to give credit where it is due, even if I have disagreed with, belittled, or mocked someone in the past.

Today’s Olive Branch goes to Ron Cook (for the record, he still shouldn’t write about hockey) for his article in Today’s PG. A truer piece with a truer title has never been written. The title hurts to even look at, but that is why it is a great title. It cuts to the bone, and is 100% on the mark: “Steelers No Better Than Bengals”. Ouch…

The B.S. about a higher standard appears to be just that. Hey Rooney's, Tomlin, and mis-informed yinzer fans! Wanna put your collective money where your collective mouths are??? Get rid of these players! Start with James Harrison who got out of a domestic violence case through “anger management” and being the MVP. Then move onto Jeff Reed, who makes paper towel dispensers tremble at his mere mention. After we get those two out of the way, THEN we could move on to Santonio “baby mama drama” Holmes and Big Ben “Bigger Ego” Roethlisberger.

I know everyone thinks I am talking crazy talk. I guess I am. I want to hold personal accountability in a higher regard than on-field performance. Crazy me, I am willing to take a hit on the field to prove to everyone that the Steelers ARE a class organization which does not tolerate the B.S. that other teams do.

Silly, Silly me.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

This is Why Part II

"He ain't (expletive) comin' down, and I ain't waitin' all day for him," she told a colleague, crew chief Kim Long, at the dispatch center. "I mean, what the (expletive), this ain't no cab service."

Those words were uttered by someone charged with helping injured and sick people. Those words constitute a dereliction of duty. As a result of the attitude displayed by the person who spoke the above phrase and several others a man died.

Let’s go over that one more time, an AMBULANCE FUCKING MEDIC, whose job it is to save peoples lives and help those in health related distress was too goddamn lazy to do their JOB and someone died.

Unacceptable! Snow or no snow, you are NOT a taxi service, you are supposed to be the difference between life and death for some people. I guess these EMS workers WERE the difference.

Why am I so pissed about this a month+ later? Because the “punishment” was handed down yesterday. The worst offender got 5 days unpaid leave….ohhh that stings! I challenge someone to explain to me how a light slap on the wrist is acceptable when a man died because of this person’s LAZY, and holier than thou attitude.
Oh that’s right, they’re in a Union. An organization where standards are low, and substandard behavior is not only ignored, it’s defended vehemently (The head of the paramedic union has vowed to fight the suspensions).

Tuesday, March 23, 2010


Ok, so to recap (as if you won’t find out in a minute), #1: I vote democrat; #2 I support universal healthcare (also, yes I have a private insurer, yes I will be keeping that insurer, as we have not witnessed the end of private healthcare)

Now that that is out of the way, there have been some really sweet nuggets in the comment sections of a lot of papers and news outlets. I also added comments in bold

Hilarious really, here are a few of my favorites:

Did you know that when Patrick Henry made his famous “Give me Liberty or Give me Death” speech, he was actually referring to the eventual rise of a black president who would institute healthcare for all the citizen’s in the United States? Well if you didn’t, now you do, courtesy of “CLR” on

“Speaking of Irony (the day Obama signs the HC bill PH proclaimed):
March 23, 1775: Patrick Henry exclaims, "Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!"” –Clearly “CLR” knows that it’s been empirically, and scientifically proven that universal healthcare is tantamount to slavery….oh wait, that’s really not the case at all…

Again from the completely sane and rational empirically and scientifically proven department, we get a quote from “Henry Flynn”:

“Soon after he signs the bill, although the bill has some good things in it, it also is the first steps toward installing socialism in America-according to whom? Fox News I suppose. The signing of the bill is an act of treason-Missed the part in the Constitution where it says that when Obama signs this bill it should be considered treason.. Treason is an attempt to overthrow our government –just in case you didn’t know and yet the democrats allow such. He also went against his vows, when he took office, to uphold the constitution-Again, didn’t see the part of the Constitution where it forbade Obama to sign a universal healthcare plan. There are parts of this bill that are unconstitutional-where? In my opinion, he should be impeached and charged with treason-because Fox News says so! There will be no charges brought because our AG will not charge anyone with anything. He also dropped the charges against the Black Panthers for voter intimidation-huh? The president appointed people who would let him do whatever he wants, no matter how wrong it is! –Wow, that sounds a lot like a previous administration, or was that the other way around; he did whatever THEY wanted, no matter how wrong it was…At least the AG of the states all Republicans are taking their separate cases to court, the part that is unconstitutional!”

The next nugget comes from Tony, who must be in pretty good health:

“I make 120,000 a year and do not have insurance, by choice. I afford to pay full price at my doctors visits and pay full price for my prescription drugs. Does this mean, I have to now pay nearly 10,000 in healthcare or I will be fined? how does this make sense?” – Can’t wait until Tony has a major medical issue and then tries to pay the bills. This is selfish America in a nut shell, if this does not benefit me directly, I should not have to participate.

This one is PRICELESS, from "Comrade" Neal…

Welcome to the Divided Socialis(sic) States of America. Feels like the good old days of the Soviet Union. –Because you would know The Russians had Lenin, Stalin,nkhrushchev and Brezhnev.....we have Pelosi, Reid, Stupak, and Obama.-So ridiculous, needs no other response. Just warms your heart doesn't it? In a few years the U.S. will be just like the former USSR.......GONE!!!! God save our country from this abomination!!! -I’m sure you had alternative solutions to the problems the Democrats were/are attempting to address, you weren’t just a member of the massive chorus of “No’s” or a member of the collective temper tantrum whose members resorted to screaming insults like 5 year olds expecting that they would somehow get their way…

If anyone is bored at work, or in general, log onto any news website and you’ll find some real gems.

Oh yea, and our Attorney General has just joined the Republican cavalcade of State Attorney Generals who are filing lawsuits to stop this healthcare legislation. Hmmmm, sounds like a certain political party is real sore they didn’t stop the legislation.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Wouldn't it be Nice?

I hate driving, and anyone who reads this will soon find out, if they haven’t already. I am forced to go to Cleveland this weekend (I know, I know), and the only thing worse than going to Cleveland, is DRIVING to Cleveland. I oft get jealous of Harrisburg and Philadelphia. You can hop on about one of 100 trains per day and get there in no time, and not have to worry about your blood pressure causing that little vein above your eyebrow to pulse painfully. (Just a second, who the hell wants to go to Harrisburg any more than Cleveland? I know, there were good reasons they upgraded train travel between the two cities, but honestly…Have you ever been to Harrisburg, it sucks, it’s got all the bullshit of a city, without any of the awesomeness.)

Anyway, I don’t want a connection to Harrisburg, but a connection to Cleveland and points west that DOESN’T leave at midnight sure would be pretty damn sweet. Instead of getting potentially violent road-rage on the way to a place I don’t want to go, I could sit in a nice comfy seat, sip on an ice-cold tasty beverage and day-dream about leaving Cleveland once again on the soonest eastbound train.

However, given that the State of Pennsylvania can’t fund transportation so as it is, I am not going to hold my breath.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

"Mayor declares state of emergency in advance of flood"

That's the word according to the PG today.

...No word if and when Mayor Ravenstahl will move to his Mountain Emergency Response Command Post.

Rant of the Day!

Goddamnit, I HATE Pittsburgh drivers. I would take an asshole New York or New Jersey driver over a Pittsburgh driver any day. Where as the aforementioned a-hole drivers are one end of the bad driver spectrum (the a-hole side!), Pittsburgh drivers are the opposite extreme. While they are probably less likely to pull out a gun and kill you, Pittsburgh drivers are equally, if not more annoying. They have to be the most passive, non-committal drivers I’ve ever seen.

How many times have you had some old snow top in front of you, who upon seeing a traffic light directly in front of them turn yellow, resign themselves to waiting the 14 minutes until the light will then turn green again? At which time, they sit at the light while the nerve impulse slowly travels from their old brain to their old foot to slowly press down, ever so slightly on the gas.

Don’t even get me started on the goddamn tunnels, now THERE is a Pittsburgh idiosyncrasy that I cannot STAND! You assholes drive through them EVERY DAY! They won’t collapse if you go over 45mph, I swear, I do it all the time! These people would shit themselves in a state like, Colorado, for example, where not only do people maintain their speed through the tunnels *gasp!*, but they can PASS too!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Can You Say Something Out of Nothing?

Oh wait....No one cares!

People act like he was fondling a 20 year old in a bathroom or something...

Well Wonders Never Cease...

Apparently one slap-ass involved in politics isn't enough. Now the big baby's baby brother is getting involved.

Too harsh?

Ok, how about this? If the younger Ravenstahl is half the arrogant/inept/self righteous abuser of power his big brother is, I hope he goes down in a ball of political flame.

Those Little Capitals Fans are SO Easy to Rile up!

Mike Wilbon of ESPN’s PTI wrote a GREAT (in my biased Pens fan mind) article about Ovechkin in the Washington Post of all papers. I had a great time looking through the comments section to see the screaming that erupted as a result.

I think it went something like….”WAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!”

You see, I think those lovable little Caps fans who have just recently discovered that hockey IS in fact a sport, got their panties in a bunch because Wilbon mentioned the “C” word. No, I don’t mean Champion, Captain or even, Canadian Gold Medalist. I mean Crosby. I would honestly be pissed too (imagine if hockey moron Ron Cook had the audacity to compare anyone poorly on the Pens to another NHL player, especially Ovechkin), but the Mike Wilbon is spot on about Ovechkin’s behavior. He better watch out, or he may end up in a women’s bathroom in Georgia chasing after an under-age girl with Ray Lewis’ attorney on speed dial.

On a slightly related note, I love the Ovechkin vs. Crosby debate that Caps or Pens blogs often devolve into. I don’t care about the statistics and keep your individual awards. NOTHING was better than celebrating in the streets after the SCF victory, NOTHING. Seriously, it was something I’ll tell my grandkids about. That doesn’t happen without Crosby, so thanks, I’ll keep him.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Monday Brain turds

-This weather is beautiful and makes me doubly unhappy that I am stuck inside working for the man. All this sunshine in March makes me worry about what is to come. You know we’re going to have to pay for this nice weather somewhere down the road. We will probably get the snow storm from hell in April, or at the very least the sun will go behind the clouds on or about March 15th and stay there until well into May...

-There was a great article in the Post Gazette yesterday about Ronald Reagan and the Republican Party (I am eagerly awaiting being called anti-American, socialist, etc. because #1 I am not Republican, and #2 agree with something that is not pro-Republican) The article talked about how despite the popularity and success of Reagan’s policies, it shifted Republican thinking, and took them away from their core values of fiscal responsibility and practicality. If you have half an open mind to dissent and candor, read it. If not, let the screaming begin.

-Sorry, but Matt Cooke deserves a suspension for his hit on Mark Savard yesterday. I can’t believe he wasn’t at LEAST tossed out of the game. Did he mean to hurt the guy…no way, but the hit was at the very least reckless. TPB has a different take on it. I respect their opinions (to start, they are waaayyyyy more knowledgeable than I am about hockey, I am just a run of the mill fan), but I have watched more than a couple Pens games and his hit was reckless, the kind that the NHL is trying to cut down on. They are correct that an agitator plays on the edge, plays with fire if you will, but as the old adage goes, sometimes when you play with fire, you get burned. Cookie deserves to get burned for a couple games on this one.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Roethlisberger framed.....AGAIN!

Once again, Ben Roethlisberger has been accused of sexual assault, and once again it is a complete fabrication. However, this time, our incredibly reliable sources tell us that he was framed by our apparent turncoat mayor!

Little Lukey, already "welly mad at those stupid heads" for not letting him hold the trophy in the last Super Bowl parade, hatched a plan to divert attention from his latest bout of stupidity and arrogance. He apparently broke into the basement at the Cathedral of Learning and stole the bubble boy outfit. Once in possession of the of the outfit, and a handy dandy air compressor, he went to Georgia posing as our ever so modest quarterback until he found his target.

When interviewed by police, the victim described her assailant as being "huge with a big head and even bigger ego" Clearly, everyone assumed that she was talking about our quarterback, Ben "WWJD" Roethlisberger.

Luckily for him, and all of you, Luke's hi-jinks have been exposed by the crack investigative team here at You Down with P.O.B.

Ok, enough satire.

Wanna know why I don't like the Steelers as much as I used to and now follow the Pens MUCH more closely? Let's see: Cedric Wilson, James Harrison, Jeff Reed (Twice), Matt Spaeth, Ben Roethlisberger. Looks like a certain team needs to be knocked down a few pegs...

Thursday, March 4, 2010

A simple Explanation

Arson, Activists? Who knows? I do. I can settie it in two words.


* I'm not an anti-semite, if you think so, get a goddamn sense of humor.

A Return to Hockey

Like the drunk bureaucrat, I’ve been in a funk. Thank god hockey has returned to Pittsburgh. I LOVED Olympic hockey and was totally swept up in the unexpected American run to silver, but I missed watching the Pens.

Speaking of the Pens, I am throwing the gauntlet down, right here, right now. If you consider yourself a pens fan and you at any point booed Crosby during Tuesday night’s game, then you are officially a moron “Pittsburgh fan”.

If you are pissed about the U.S. losing, fine! The Captain of your team completed an incredible accomplishment, and the same reasons you love him as your team captain are the same reasons that you should be happy that he got the gold.

He didn’t change when he played for Canada, he was still classy, well spoken and thoughtful during his interviews. He was still amazing to watch on the ice. He just did it for a different team, oh yea by the way, that different team was representing HIS HOMELAND, oh shit!

You can be pissed at Canada all you want, but the same reasons you love him with the “C” on his sweater in Pittsburgh, are the same reasons you should be respectful of his accomplishments as a Canadian playing for his country. Translation: Yinz better not boo any more n’at!