Yea you know me!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Ohhh Yea....

I almost forgot. For everyone who was beaming about the good press as a result of the G-20 (Remember That? "Everything is fixed and working fine in Pittsburgh")

Well guess what, this shit about our bumbling EMS/911/mayor is all over the Internet. All the good things are old news. Pittsburgh just got a HUGE black eye!*

*I don't want to belittle what happened to Mr. Mitchell. It's awful, and inexcusable. Just trying to add a new dimension to the argument, and trying to point out the implications of this royal fuck up.

Where has everyone been?

First, I voted for Ravenstahl in 2007. I thought I would give him a chance. Hadn’t seen enough to make my decision. 2007-2009 was enough for me to make my decision.

Second, I am all about impeachment, he has shown too much political shadiness (how many “gate” scandals do you need in one administration?), and incompetence to warrant a full term.

My issue has nothing to do with that. I want to know where the hell all these impeachers were they on Election Day. More accurately, where were they on primary day; the real day when the election was decided?

His trip to Seven Springs was not his first dereliction of duty. It wasn’t the first time he put, you, me, the Hill District, and Curtis Mitchell second to his own personal needs and wants. It certainly wasn’t the first time he seriously botched a snow removal effort. It just disgusts me that his greatest “accomplishments” have been, in this order: #1 Becoming the youngest mayor of a “major city”, #2 Changing his name to “Steelerstahl”, and #3 weaseling his way onto the Steelers Super Bowl parade.

Apparently the above reasons along with being a Democrat who didn’t bankrupt the city (yet) have been enough to keep the yinzer masses satisfied.

You wanna know why we don’t move ahead as a city? See above.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

When is Enough Incompetence Enough?

Are we really that tied to the Democratic Party here? Seriously. Listen, I vote democrat most of the time, but do we have to vote for a democrat BECAUSE they are democrat? I think our lovely mayor thinks that is the case. Hell, I know that’s the case. He trips over his own arrogance/stupidity regularly, and bam, he’s back for a third term. This time he was MIA when he was supposed to be signing an emergency order, and he has the nerve to get pissy with the news media when they asked WHY he didn’t sign it and WHERE he was! . (Apparently Brave Little Luke was teaching the big bully media a “lesson” not to speculate about his whereabouts)

The news media has MORE than enough reason to question where he was. How many times has little Lukey been caught with his hand in the cookie jar, or his ass in the Homeland Security SUV seat, or somewhere doing something he wasn’t supposed to be doing when something significant was going on IN the city that HE is mayor of? More importantly, when are people going to get sick of it? Apparently we haven’t reached that threshold. I sure as shit hope we do before the next election. He has done NOTHING aside from ride the wave of good publicity about the city. Come to think of it he has even managed to look like an immature ass doing that.


Oh, yea…and heads need to roll over a man who called TEN TIMES to 911, only to die before the EMS FINALLY arrived on scene. A sad chapter in what seems to be an increasingly damaging “war on snow”. Listen, I’m not naïve enough to think that Lukey was directly responsible for this, but you can take the blame in a couple of other directions. Namely, if the snow clearing effort had been a tad better, this may not have happened (see 2008, and Laurel Highlands), AND if there was better coordination both intra and inter department communication this also could have been prevented. However, considering the general response to the snow, I’m not surprised at the lack of coordination and communication.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

The Very Worst of Human Kind

I know this happened almost a week ago, but it’s been on my mind. Good god, what the F is wrong with people? I’m not a big proponent of the death penalty, but some people are so fucked up to innocent mentally challenged, trusting, and all around wouldn’t hurt a fly people, that they (the fucked up ones) just shouldn’t live anymore. At a certain point it’s not about deterrence, or much of anything else, other than these people are bad. I don’t know if it’s their nature or environment, but it’s too late to figure out, an innocent woman has already been tortured and killed.

Don’t agree? Tough Shit! It’s my visceral reaction to a deplorable, disgusting, twisted, sadistic (plug in the absolute worst word/phrase in the English language) crime.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Random-Ass Thoughts

News from the Front

The Snow Blitz(krieg) continues. Field Marshall Ravenstahl’s forces are advancing east through Polan, I mean Shadyside, and stand poised to outflank the Slib. The snow is hunkering down to meet this onslaught, which has been a long time coming. Intelligence says that the evil snow forces are confident that even if they are “wiped out” more reinforcements will arrive and Marshall Ravenstahl’s forces will be slow and inefficient in stopping them.

No word if any more gallant warriors from the meter maid brigade were wounded in the action of the past few days.

Here’s a wacky idea; instead thinking up all these stupid military euphemisms for SNOW REMOVAL, use that brain power to come up with a PLAN on how to deal with all this snow. Here is a military phrase that should have been used long time ago but wasn’t. It’s called a “Contingency Plan”. You have these in place in case of an “oh shit” situation, you know, like a snow storm.

Bruce Bodreau is a fat little baby.

I don’t like to insult people, and I know that calling The Capitals coach a fat little baby is harsh. I’d prefer to just call him fat, but I’m sorry, I can’t turn a blind eye to his childish behavior.
It’s not just his actions in relation to the Pens. Although, he clearly demonstrated during last year’s Eastern Conference Semi-Final, that his ability to eat can only be matched by his ability to whine ad nauseam about every single little, call, non-call, goal, non-goal, hit, or anything that doesn’t go his, or his team’s way. It’s a stark contrast to the calm, collected, and always professional Disco Dan.

I pity the Washington media who are forced for 82 or so games a year to sit through these bitch sessions. Granted I have only watched a few of his “new conferences”, but Christ it’s like listening to a six year old whine about not getting everything they wanted for Christmas. You have to wonder, how much that transfers to the team. He is the coach, it’s his team, and he acts like a baby. I wonder how much they see that and subconsciously think that it is appropriate behavior.

I also wonder if his penchant for throwing his players under the bus transfers to the players, or how they react to it. I remember FHCMT (Former Head Coach Michel Terrien) had a habit of doing that, and it worked…for a while, until the players stopped responding to it. You wonder at what point that may happen in D.C.

Either way, as a fan, I’ve become spoiled by HCDB (Head Coach Dan Bylsma). He is the antithesis to Bodreau, Cryin’ Brian, and John “Guido” Tortorella.

I am a total (blogging) Fan of Munch. I would love to tag along for a munch session, especially one that would involve cocktails. Mr./Ms. (?) Munch just seems like a genuinely good time. Anyone who loves to eat and loves to drink, is good people in my book!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Once Again, Calm Down!

Back from a several day snow shoveling extravaganza! I still love the snow and have yet to see the actual end of the world.Apparently the rest of Pittsburgh does not love the snow, and may actually think that they have seen the end of the world. If you can’t pause for a second to admire the beauty, or to throw a snowball, or to make a snow angel, you may just be a grumpy asshole who needs to re-evaluate how happy you are in your life.

There are quite a few hilarious nuggets in the past few days’ daily papers. My personal favorite came in today’s Post Gazette. I knew that the mayor was fighting a war on several fronts, snow, potholes, garbage, and anal leakage, I think.
Well the casualties from the war on snow are apparently piling up. The best quote of the article comes from a parking meter reader union shop steward, with the typical union flair for the over-dramatic:

“They’re not getting the training they need to be shown how to properly shovel snow…They’re not getting trained in how to lift 50-Pound bags of salt. One’s already down (BAHHHH!!!!)…and I’ve got more wounded (again, BAHHHHH!!!!) people coming in.”

Holy shit, they’re under fire! Those downtown snipers are rough, I know. I don’t want to belittle these people who are probably busting their asses, but really, do we need a block of instruction on how to shovel snow and how to lift things? Not to mention the over the top combat reference. It’s as ridiculous as it is hilarious.

I can’t wait to see the spaz-fest that happens tomorrow after we get our next 10 inches.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Armageddon is upon us...AHHHHHHH!!!!!!

I love Western Pennsylvania phenomena. From "Yinz" to the parking chair, there so are things that make Western PA unique.

Today’s phenomenon is overreaction to snow. First, it’s by no means unique to Pittsburgh/Western PA, it happens all over the place, especially in the South. What makes it so funny here is the fact that we get cold, we get ice, and we get snow EVERY YEAR and every year people overreact to it. Also, every year it’s usually less than we expect, and even if it’s not, most everyone survives.

If you interviewed some frenzied yinzers stocking up for the two to three weeks that they won’t be able to leave the house, you might get a different impression. I really wanna know what goes through these people’s heads. Is it “This is the one, this time we are REALLY gonna get dumped on, and I won’t have bread, milk, and eggs!” (Who eats solely milk, eggs and bread anyway? Would you survive on hard boiled egg sandwiches and polish them off with a nice cold glass of milk? This is 2010, grab a Stouffers, or even better a Hot Pocket)

Who knows, I think this great mystery is on my list of questions to ask if I ever get to meet our glorious creator along with who killed JFK, and what the hell is the meaning of life?

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Big Bad Basketball

I think there has been more interest here in basketball over the last 12 hours than perhaps the last 20 years combined.

Couch Burning Retards
I apologize if I am offending anyone who is mentally challenged by putting them in the same category with West Virginians. Mountaineer fans are at it again, after throwing shit on the court last night against Pitt, and actually hitting a Pitt coach with an object. This behavior by WVU fans is par for the course. Ever go to a Backyard Brawl? It doesn’t have to be in Morgantown for people to bring rocks and batteries with them.

You wanna know the biggest travesty? It’s not the simple mountain folk who think that throwing objects is a reasonable way to show your dislike of another team. It’s the university that does not actively stop these simple folk. How long until the league steps in and starts holding WVU accountable for the actions of its students?

Pittsburgh PistonPipers?

So the rumor goes the Detroit Pistons could be up for sale and Pittsburgh could be looked at as a future home. First of all it’s unlikely, but I kind of like the idea. I’m not a big basketball fan (it drives me insane that the last 2:00 in fact lasts closer to 40) however; I think pro-basketball could have a chance here. If you could get past the Steeler fixation, and the innate racism in Western PA, you could tap into the bandwagon nature of the Pittsburgh sports fan who will cheer for just about any sport (sorry Passion) if it puts a winning product on the ice/court/field.

That’s the biggest “IF”; could you put a competitive product on the court quick enough to get past the aforementioned potential issues?

Let is Snow mofugga

I may be the only one who thinks this but 6” isn’t enough (that’s what she said). We never get a real snowstorm in Western PA! I have lived here for ten years and I can’t even remember getting more than a foot of snow in the city at one shot. I am totally psyched for the storm and hope that we get a foot if not two feet of snow. Even though I don’t get off work for snow like I did school as a kid, waiting for the snow brings a sense of excitement like the good ole’ days of sledding, snowball fights and wet drea...nocturnal em…never mind.

Also, the more snow we get, the longer I can justify locking myself inside with a case of beer and eating soup.

Don’t worry, it would be good craft beer

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Solar in Pittsburgh

I laud the idea, but doesn't the sun have to come out in Pittsburgh for solar energy to work????

I keed, I keed.


In Barely Pittsburgh related yet HILARIOUS news....Check this out.

A Fine Point My Ass!

This article pissed me off. I’d like to draw attention to a few of the author’s main points in the editorial and insert my thoughts.

1. “Mr. Obama and the Democrats contend that the high debt and the deficits are the fault of the Bush administration, which left a legacy of two unfinished wars, one 7 years old and the other nearly 9, tax cuts and an economy pushed near ruin by recession and a poorly regulated financial industry. Yet other heavy spending is directly attributable to the Obama administration.Mr. Obama’s two-step escalation of the war in Afghanistan by increasing U.S. troops by 46,000 to a level of 100,000 is his alone.”

My Take: First, soooo what I am getting out of this is; two wars, foolish tax cuts, and poor financial regulation were all unimportant to our current situation but holding the line on military spending is inexcusable???? Odd. Second, In my extremely humble opinion, if there is to be troop escalation in Afghanistan and it costs more money...FINE. You know why? Osama Bin Laden (Remember he is the guy/reason we HAD to go to war to begin with) and his organization Al Qaeda were and are still based in Afghanistan. If we are to prevent another repeat of 9/11, he and Al Qaeda must be dealt with (i.e. killed and destroyed).

Third, while he is expanding our military presence and increasing money spent in Afghanistan, he is also drawing down our forces and money spent in Iraq (Remember that theater of war? That was the one where we invaded under false pretenses and a lot of brave selfless Americans lost their lives over a lie, or at the very least “bad intelligence”). I would further contend that had we not spent the $700 BILLION with a B on the war in Iraq to begin with, we could perhaps be further along in our campaign in Afghanistan.

2. “The expansion of military activity, under Mr. Bush's old "war on terror," in Pakistan and Yemen is also Mr. Obama's work.”

My Take: He is expanding the War on Terror to those areas because they are known refuges for Al Qaeda. To me, it seems that instead of manufacturing intelligence to fit his agenda, he is adapting our national security strategy to meet the realities of the situation. That is not foolish or a wasteful use of our money, it’s good strategy.

3. “Mr. Obama has given no reason for why military expenditures should be immune from cuts.”

My Take: First, I don’t know our President personally and can’t say what is going on in his head but here is a wacky idea; maybe it’s because we are at war with a lunatic and an organization of religious zealots who are responsible for the largest foreign attack on American soil EVER which killed 2,973 innocent Americans. That’s why. Never Forget….I think somebody forgot.

Cutting our military spending in the face of war is not an answer to our fiscal OR national security problems. President Obama is an intelligent man (that is why I voted for him). He knows that our deficit is growing uncontrolled, but he also knows that we still face an unresolved national security* threat with Osama Bin Laden and Al Qaeda. He must address our deficit AND respond to new threats to our security. He is doing that.

*For those of you that don’t know, National Security is what allows every Fat Lazy American to drive around their over sized SUV/pick up truck from parking lot to parking lot and then head straight to McDonald’s so they can stuff their fat faces without fear of attack from “those damn foreigners and towel heads”

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

What a Game!!!

Man, that game was sweet!!! If you don't know what I mean, tisk tisk!

This is why.

You wanna know why in my extremely humble opinion Unions have gone off the deep end and did a long time ago? Among other things, this.

I don’t harbor any crazy feelings about Unions the way Repbublicans do, calling them socialist organizations and whatnot. I am all for protecting the worker from the man, but honestly, you don’t want to hold firefighters accountable for their actions? Bla Bla Bla, innocent until proven guilty, I got it, but there is a clear pattern of misconduct being reinforced by a lack of accountability. Shit, I can get drunk, break into someone’s house, and get caught all while maintaining my employment….sweet.

These people don’t deserve to garner all the benefits of continued employment while under criminal investigation. If they’re innocent, awesome, back to work, but not before then.

I think Unions have more in common with their right wing foe than they both would be willing to admit. Both cling at all costs to the status quo, and both have a penchant for name calling and back biting.

As much as I dislike little Luke, I have to call it like I see it. I like the tough stance he is taking, these shysters can’t continue to think that their foolish actions outside of work should not affect their employment, especially when you, me and every other resident is paying for it!

Monday, February 1, 2010

Maglev is Dumb

All this crap about the Maglev is pointless. It’s been dormant for years, it’s insanely expensive, and perhaps most importantly, the current round of funding from the government is for standard High Speed Rail using steel wheels on steel rails. It’s NOT for maglev. It is a separate project within the Federal Railroad Administration. Irregardless (my favorite non-word) I’d rather take a 1 in 10 shot at getting to Cleveland and beyond on a really fast train than a 1 in 100 (I’m being generous) shot of eventually getting to Philadelphia on a really really really fast Maglev.